Prism - iOS 16 Wallpapers

Anime wallpapers by the community, for the community! Browse through thousands of iOS 16 optimized wallpapers from your favorite anime - Bleach, One Piece, HxH, and more!

Find the Perfect Wallpaper

Browse through our endless collection of anime wallpapers!

Your Favorite Anime

Designs from your favorite anime! Bleach, One Piece, Dragon Ball, and more!

Download Unlimited Designs

Find a design you like? Go ahead, download as many wallpapers as you like.

Share Your Wallpapers

Have your own wallpaper collection? Feeling generous? Share your wallpapers with the community!

iOS 16 Depth Effect

Want wallpapers with the iOS 16 depth effect? We have a section just for that!

Personalize Your Experience

Unique browsing options with a dark and light mode toggle!